Wednesday 6 January 2010

postheadericon Reiki & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME

When I first qualified as a reiki practitioner I built up my confidence in giving treatments to my friends. At the time I was recovering from some kind of virus which left me with symptoms akin to chronic fatigue and I discovered that a work colleague suffered from ME and often had very bad periods when she could hardly bear to stay awake for more than a few hours a day and was constantly cold, wearing socks to bed in the middle of Summer. She lay on some big floor cushions which she had in her cosy meditation and relaxation room and I carried out the therapy kneeling on the floor. I conducted the treatment in the usual way, starting at the head on the front of the body, working down to the toes. From the beginning of the treatment she was telling me about feeling tingling and seeing colours. I continued the treatment, working from the back of the head down the shoulders and spine. Whilst over the sacral plexus I felt an extreme heat just above my knee, thinking that possibly I'd knocked over a cup of tea . But to my amazement and delight, it was coming from my friend's elbow! At the end of the treatment she felt warm all over, for the first time in ages and her face was a lovely pink colour, rather than the usual pale palour. I was so delighted to have had such a significant, positive and immediate impact on my friend. If you suffer from MC or CFS, I would be delighted to hear about your experiences of complementary therapy


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Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom
Nia Thomas, otherwise known as Red Raven Therapy has been a complementary therapist since 2006 and is a Reiki practitioner, Reflexologist, Indian Head Massage Therapist Thai Foot Massage Therapist and a Coach in Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil near Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Cardiff

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