Saturday 12 June 2010

postheadericon Stress Less.....

Reflexology, Thai Foot Massage, Reiki and Indian Head Massage can off set the effects of stress on the heart and the overall health of the body. Complementary therapy attempts to treat the body, mind and spirit as a whole system by getting to the root of the problem and not looking just at the symptocalmwaterms. It can help the body to reach a place of deep relaxation where it can balance the body systems.

Through the relaxation process the body is more capable of dealing with the stresses placed on it by daily living and those associated with work, family life, illness etc. Complementary therapy can gently nudge the body towards improved functioning of the system by improving lymphatic drainage and venous circulation, simulation to the nerve pathways, and muscle relaxation.

Sufferers of stress have noted that they feel a lot more relaxed and indeed tend to feel less stressed after a session of therapy. They have also noted a reduction in their stress levels as a result of the treatment

Reflexology is believed to encourage the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones, well documented in their ability to relieve stress.

Coaching to Stress Less

The modern world is stressed to be max. If you need to find a way to deal with your stress and re-engineer your lifestyles to achieve a calm, healthy, well life, coaching can help. Coaching can help you explore methods of limiting stressful activities and find ways to help your body and mind to de-stress. You may want to explore on the stress busting activities or increasing physical activity to promote wellbeing. Whatever you decide is the right path for you, Coaching can help you map and travel that path
Sunday 6 June 2010

postheadericon Reflexology Workshop

On Friday evening I ran my 4th Reflexology workshop for Merched y Wawr. Merched y Wawr is a welsh women's group, not unlike the Women's Institute, except that the main language is Welsh. I've run workshops in Cwmbran, Newport, Crickhowell and Aberdare. I run my workshops in this way: a general presentation about what reflexology is, it's history, what imbalances it can help to rebalance and then descripe and share the foot map with the group. I then ask everyone to find their particular reflexes on their hand and then to find the same reflex on a friend's hand. Everyone has really enjoyed learning about Reflexology and have found it useful to put their learning into practice. Also, many of the group have asked about their ability to help their friends, partners and grandchildren outside of the group. I'm certainly pleased to be able to share my learning with the group and also to help spread the wellbeing and the healing outside of the workshop.

Merched y Wawr have asked me to run 3 workshops at the National Eisteddfod this year at Ebbw Vale. I'll be doing my workshop in the 'learner's tent', so whether you're a Welsh speaker or a Welsh learner, you're very welcome to come alone and join in the learning

Red Raven.....

Red Raven.....
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Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom
Nia Thomas, otherwise known as Red Raven Therapy has been a complementary therapist since 2006 and is a Reiki practitioner, Reflexologist, Indian Head Massage Therapist Thai Foot Massage Therapist and a Coach in Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil near Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Cardiff

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