Monday 3 May 2010

postheadericon Election 2010's 3 days until the election! And it's certainly hotting up. The TV debates have given this election a new and almost transparent edge which I have never seen in my lifetime before. I've enjoyed the debates and with my interest in neuro-linguistic progrmming, been very interested in the body language, the eye movements the spoken language and the speed of the replies and retorts. I'm unimpressed by Gordon Brown but he never was and never will be the polished orator that is David Cameron. He's a fumbler, a bumbler but that's not to say that he isn't a good accountant. It just seems that he made the wrong decisions as chancellor, probably with the help of a few other greedy business people and politicians, and then was propped up to the point of Prime Minister and fall guy just as smooth Tony Blair moved on to better things! I am definitely impressed by David Cameron's public speaking skills, even if there are a few Conservative policies that worry me - like the push for the establishment of more public schools and the scrapping of identity cards to name but a few.... I've been impressed to see Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats moving up the field and making it a real 3 horse race. I like what they have to say but since they've never 'done it before' we'll just have to guess as to whether what their manifesto says is deliverable, or maybe the country will put it's money where it's mouth is and give them chance to show us what they can do I'm worried that we may end up with a hung parliament and the potential financial implications that will have on the UK in the world financial markets too; could we find ourselves scrabbling around for the pennies like Greece? Well, whatever the thoughts, opinions, judgements and decisions of the nations, by Friday, the country may well be a very different place....


Red Raven.....

Red Raven.....
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Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom
Nia Thomas, otherwise known as Red Raven Therapy has been a complementary therapist since 2006 and is a Reiki practitioner, Reflexologist, Indian Head Massage Therapist Thai Foot Massage Therapist and a Coach in Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil near Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Cardiff

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