Wednesday 2 February 2011

postheadericon Insight, Foresight, Hindsight...

Tonight I attanded a class and met a man I'd never met before. He was obviously suffering from some problem with his shoulder and was suffering from significantly reduced mobility. When I had an opportunity I explained that I was a Reflexologist and that the reflex point for the shoulder was near his little finger. I asked if he'd had something removed. He said he'd had surgery to remove a tumour. I said if he gently rubbed the reflex point on his hand it would help. He said, with a laugh, that he saw a physio twice a week who did that for him.

At the end of the class an hour later, I saw him again and as I left I called over, "Keep doing your hand!", to which he replied, "Nah. I'll leave that to someone else." I left without replying......

Over the next half hour, my emotions have gone from fuming to irritated to sad. Having gone through the trauma of having a tumour removed, I'd have thought anyone would be only to eagre to help themselves. After all, who's tumour was it? And who's recovery is it? The physiotherapist?

I could go on and vent my frustration, but what would that solve? I guess all we can do as therapists is help those who are willing to help themselves whilst the overworked, overstretched NHS professionals have to care for those that don't

Red Raven.....

Red Raven.....
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Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom
Nia Thomas, otherwise known as Red Raven Therapy has been a complementary therapist since 2006 and is a Reiki practitioner, Reflexologist, Indian Head Massage Therapist Thai Foot Massage Therapist and a Coach in Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil near Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Cardiff

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