Friday 24 December 2010

postheadericon Nadolig Llawen

Monday 13 December 2010

postheadericon Christmas Competition!

Answer, Name and Contact Number via our contact form! Good Luck!

Q12: Will you be having turkey on Christmas day?

Who were Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar?

Q10: What is Bob Cratchit's youngest son calles?

Q9: What Christmas 'character' features on the Red Raven website?

Good King Wenceslas look out on the feast of whom?

Q7: Has Red Raven Therapy ever appeared on TV?

Q6: What are the two colours on the Red Raven Therapy logo?

5: On the 5th day of Christmas, what did my true love give to me?
WINNER: Jayne Morgan

Q4: How much does the 'Bliss Package' cost?

In Thai Foot Massage, what is the name given to the energy lines running through the legs?
WINNER: Samantha Brunsdon

Q2: Name one benefit of Indian Head Massage

Q1: From what country does Reiki originate?

Answer, Name and Contact Number via our contact form! Good Luck!

Merry Christmas and Nadolig llawen to one and all!·

From the 13th December we will be running our 12 Days of Christmas Competition!· Every day we will ask a question, the answer to which you can find on our website.· To enter, use our contact form to send us your answer.· Your name will be drawn from all entries which arrive by midnight and you could win a £10 therapy gift voucher!!

Christmas gift certificates can be bought here via PayPal.· You can have the certificate e-mailed direct to you.· Quick, simple and lovely!!· And great for a last minute gift!·
Wednesday 1 December 2010

postheadericon Running

The other evening, I went for a run.· Yes!· Me!!· I have been thinking about it for a few months but for one reason or another, I didn't have the time, the weather was wrong or I was too hungry, or indeed, just didn't have the confidence to get my trainers on and pound the streets.· But, the other evening, everything fitted; I got home from work and still had a bit of energy left; the weather was calm and cool and I had built up some confidence from talking to a neighbour the day before, who also went out for the occasional run!· I had also been talking
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to two colleagues in the previous year who had taken up running in their forties and were benefitting hugely and really enjoying it.

So, I donned by trainers, joggers and hoodie and with mobile and house keys hooked to a lanyard around my neck and a bottle of water in my hand, I went out and just did it!!· I soon realised that the mobile and keys were going to get on my nerves, so I put them in one hand to balance out my water bottle in the other.·

Over the months that I had been thinking about it and generally procrastinating, I had done a bit of online research about how to go about it without killing myself.· All advice was basic, walk for a bit, run for a bit, walk for a bit, run for a bit. Nothing more complicated than that.· When I had talked to my colleague who was now planning to do a marathon she also said that she would run for a few minutes, walk for a few minutes, until she was running a few miles a night.· So, I did just that; I walked out of the front door, walked for a bit to warm up and jogged gently to the end of the street, than I walked a bit until I'd got my breath back and then ran until I felt I needed to walk.·

I really enjoyed myself!· I'm not sure how far I went, a couple of miles, by my husband's calculation, but we're going to cycle my route sometime soon to find out!· And the run, walk, run, walk method is really great; you achieve a little without feeling like you've done a lot and every time you go out, you can increase the running parts little by little!

I'm really impressed with myself as I expected to go 300 yards, hate it and turn back.· But I didn't!· And I'm really looking forward to doing it again sometime this week, when I have time and can fit it in around work, therapy and home life!

Give it a try!· Go to IntoJoggin - it's a blog for new joggers and you can add comments.· You don't need any fancy equipment except proper, well fitting trainers which I got from MOTI in Cardiff (they video your running posture to make sure you get the right trainers) and you can do it pretty much any time and place any where!· The only downside is, I think I'm going to have to use a bum-bag for keys and mobile next time, unless I can find a better alternative!· Eeek!

Red Raven.....

Red Raven.....
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Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom
Nia Thomas, otherwise known as Red Raven Therapy has been a complementary therapist since 2006 and is a Reiki practitioner, Reflexologist, Indian Head Massage Therapist Thai Foot Massage Therapist and a Coach in Edwardsville, Merthyr Tydfil near Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Cardiff

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